Corporate Social Responsibilities



Initiated in 2005 by Gübretaş as a social responsibility issue, the project, which aims to explain the importance of soil analysis that plays an important role in increasing productivity at agricultural production and to form the productivity map of agricultural areas, is being carried out just by the sole capability of the company.


The main objectives of this project, which is being carried out by Gübretaş for over ten years, are:


1) To create a database for the future of agricultural production by preparing the productivity map in macro and micro nutrient elements according to our country’s geographic regions and provide a source for studies in these fields,


2) Starting with Turkish Agricultural Cooperatives partners, to increase the consciousness in fertilizer consumption of all farmers and determine fertilizer patterns of sampled lands,


3) To help farmers by analyzing if there is a problem in their land and reporting solutions to these problems according to soil analysis,


4) To help Gübretaş’ R&D studies by developing plant-specific and region-specific fertilizer formulations according to obtained data,


5) To contribute to build a huge database for our country’s agriculture by combining Gübretaş’ studies conclusions with studies of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock of Turkey and universities,


6) To train a minimum of 10 thousand major farmers about agricultural issues like getting soil examples, fertilizers, fertilization techniques and consciousness in agricultural production with this project.




The scope of GÜBRETAŞ scholarship, which was initiated in 2007 for students at agricultural faculties in order to support human resources in agricultural sector, has been expanded at 2017. Now, a certain number of students with Master’s Degree and doctorate, which study in agricultural faculties, have begun to benefit from scholarship starting with this year.

Within this scope, scholarship is being provided to children of farmers in need while they get their undergraduate education, at 35 different agricultural faculties all around Turkey. With this project, which more than 350 students at agricultural faculties benefited from since the initiation, around 126 students continue to get scholarship.




Gübretaş conducts training activities for producers in accordance with its mission “increasing fertility to our land by spreading the consciousness in agricultural production”. Our training activities, which have objectives like supporting Turkish producers growing more efficient and higher quality agricultural products that can be competitive globally and achieving higher profitability via optimizing costs of inputs starting with fertilizers, continue all year long. In training meetings, producers are informed about different issues like basic principles of balanced and regular fertilization, plant nutrition techniques and soil analysis. Expert agricultural engineers also provide practical consulting services through field studies and prescribing activities. GÜBRETAŞ also carries out agricultural consultancy services through Producer Support Line, web and mobile applications and social media.




GÜBRETAŞ enhanced its consultancy service to the producers with live telephone connection. From all around Turkey, producers can call telephone line (0850) 811 50 50 and they can ask their questions to expert agricultural engineers about plant nutrition and agricultural production and they can get replies from related engineers. In this way producers, who can call from fields, yards, and gardens, found the opportunity to solve their production problems, exchange information, and get information about products and services.




Gübretaş, who composes special fertilization programs by its in-house engineers and R&D team in order to increase productivity in agricultural production, has brought this valuable experience into use of producers with EFP (Efficient Fertilization Programs) application. With this new mobile application, which is developed by Gübretaş and is free of charge, the producers can track plant nutrition programs for 40 agricultural products, which are being produced in Turkey, with usage time, method and dosage. With this new application, 67-years of industry experience of Gübretaş is transferred to smartphones and tablets. The producers now have the opportunity to request instant information from “Ask the Expert” function of the application even when they are working in the field.




In order to expand consciousness in agricultural production, model test fields/gardens are being formed. As Gübretaş, in these tests, which are being carried out with pioneer producers, achieving maximum yield with minimum fertilizer consumption is being aimed. Thus, the aim is to prohibit the wastage of resources by avoiding more than necessary fertilizer consumption and to protect our soil, which is one of our most important sources.

Test fields/gardens are continuously controlled by expert engineers in the production era and the results are shared with producers living in places, where “field days” are organized. The plant nutrition programs, which are carried out at test places, are converted to documentations named “Efficient Fertilization Programs” and provided all of the producers with different communication channels.